Ubytovanie A2-apt w shared pool & balcony next to the beach sa nachádza v Trogiri menej ako 1 km od miesta Pláž Rožac, 15 min. chôdze od miesta Verejná pláž a 25 km od miesta Staroveké mesto Salona. Hostia tu majú k dispozícii záhradu. Ubytovanie sa nachádza 7 min. chôdze od miesta Pláž Marinova Draga a hostia tu majú k dispozícii klimatizáciu, bezplatné Wi-Fi a súkromné parkovisko na mieste. Tento apartmán má patio, spálňu (1), obývaciu izbu a dobre vybavenú kuchyňu s chladničkou a umývačkou riadu. Súčasťou vybavenia sú uteráky a posteľná bielizeň. Ubytovanie A2-apt w shared pool & balcony next to the beach sa nachádza 28 km od miesta Štadión Mladezi Park a 30 km od miesta Diokleciánov palác. Letisko Split je vzdialené 5 km.

Vzdialenosť uvedená v opise ubytovania je vypočítaná cez © OpenStreetMap

Prednosti ubytovania

Na mieste je k dispozícii súkromné bezplatné parkovisko


Ak chcete vidieť dostupnosť a ceny, vyberte si termín

Typ ubytovania
Počet hostí
Spálňa č.
1 veľká manželská posteľ
Obývacia izba
1 pohovka
Ľutujeme, vyskytla sa chyba. Skúste to znova neskôr.

Hodnotenie kvality

Spoločnosť Booking.com udelila tomuto ubytovaniu hodnotenie 3 z 5 na základe faktorov ako vybavenie, veľkosť, poloha a poskytované služby.

Spravuje Travelnest

Priemerné hodnotenie spoločnosti: 9Založené na 37 404 hodnoteniach od 5773 ubytovaní
5773 spravovaných ubytovaní

Informácie o spoločnosti

Founded in 2014, TravelNest advertises vacation rental properties on behalf of owners. From cottages and lodges to luxury apartments and villas, we have thousands of properties in more than 30 countries worldwide. Whether you are travelling for business or taking a break with friends and family, our varied property portfolio offers something for everyone. When you book with TravelNest, we’ll make every effort to ensure you enjoy your stay. Our UK based bookings and customer service teams are on hand to help. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about our properties and we’ll do our best to help.

Informácie o ubytovaní

Enjoy this comfortable apartment with balcony and beautiful sea view, just 50m from the beach. You can also enjoy our shared pool and garden. Pool has a water heating function too. It also has an outside fireplace, free parking spot in the yard of the house, free Wi-Fi and is air-conditioned – having everything you need for an ideal vacation. Pool is shared only with guests of our house, ie. other two apartments. **** About the apartment You'll love to stay in this comfortable one bedroom apartment with a big balcony and the sea view. It's located in the small town Okrug on island Ciovo, connected to the mainland with two bridges. You can enjoy pool for free, shared only with guests of our other two apartments. Apartment is located the 2nd floor of a private house and beach is just 2 min walking from it. Apartment itself is comfortable with large 10m2 balcony with the sea view. Balcony has a table and chairs so you can enjoy your breakfast or diner with a nice view to the sea and islands. Living room has an LCD TV with satellite channels, air-condition unit and cozy sofa sleeping two people. Bedroom has one comfortable double bed. Kitchen is fully equipped with a dishwasher, two electric stoves, microwave, kettle and fridge with freezer, ready for you to prepare any kind of tasty meal. You can also use outside fireplace in the yard of the house and large garden shared with guests of our other two apartments. Bathroom has a shower and hair dryer. Washing machine is in the owners apartment and can be used for free. We can also provide you an iron and ironing board. You also get a parking spot in the yard of the house, Wi-Fi high-speed internet, clean linen and towels, all free of charge. Everything Okrug has to offer is within just few minutes walking from the apartment – beautiful beach, restaurants, caffe bars… Baby cot and baby high chair can also be arranged free of charge, please ask in advance. This apartment is only available f

Informácie o okolí

Enjoy this comfortable apartment with balcony and beautiful sea view, just 50m from the beach. You can also enjoy our shared pool and garden. Pool has a water heating function too. It also has an outside fireplace, free parking spot in the yard of the house, free Wi-Fi and is air-conditioned – having everything you need for an ideal vacation. Pool is shared only with guests of our house, ie. other two apartments. **** About the apartment You'll love to stay in this comfortable one bedroom apartment with a big balcony and the sea view. It's located in the small town Okrug on island Ciovo, connected to the mainland with two bridges. You can enjoy pool for free, shared only with guests of our other two apartments. Apartment is located the 2nd floor of a private house and beach is just 2 min walking from it. Apartment itself is comfortable with large 10m2 balcony with the sea view. Balcony has a table and chairs so you can enjoy your breakfast or diner with a nice view to the sea and islands. Living room has an LCD TV with satellite channels, air-condition unit and cozy sofa sleeping two people. Bedroom has one comfortable double bed. Kitchen is fully equipped with a dishwasher, two electric stoves, microwave, kettle and fridge with freezer, ready for you to prepare any kind of tasty meal. You can also use outside fireplace in the yard of the house and large garden shared with guests of our other two apartments. Bathroom has a shower and hair dryer. Washing machine is in the owners apartment and can be used for free. We can also provide you an iron and ironing board. You also get a parking spot in the yard of the house, Wi-Fi high-speed internet, clean linen and towels, all free of charge. Everything Okrug has to offer is within just few minutes walking from the apartment – beautiful beach, restaurants, caffe bars… Baby cot and baby high chair can also be arranged free of charge, please ask in advance. This apartment is only available f

Jazyky, ktorými sa tu dohovoríte


Okolie ubytovania

Vybavenie - A2-apt w shared pool & balcony next to the beach

Najobľúbenejšie vybavenie

  • Bezplatné parkovisko
  • Bezplatné Wi-Fi
  • Záhrada

Bezplatné súkromné parkovisko je k dispozícii na mieste (rezervácia nie je potrebná).

  • Parkovanie na ulici

Wi-Fi je k dispozícii v celom hoteli a je bezplatné.


  • Detská vysoká stolička
  • Kávovar
  • Sporák
  • Kuchynský riad
  • Rýchlovarná kanvica
  • Kuchyňa
  • Práčka
  • Umývačka riadu
  • Mikrovlnná rúra
  • Chladnička


  • Posteľná bielizeň


  • Toaletný papier
  • Uteráky
  • Vaňa alebo sprchovací kút
  • Toaleta
  • Bezplatné toaletné potreby
  • Sušič vlasov

Obývacie priestory

  • Krb
  • Priestor na posedenie


  • TV

Vybavenie izby

  • Súkromný vchod
  • Žehlička


  • Gril
  • Patio
  • Záhrada


  • Klimatizácia
  • Všetky priestory sú nefajčiarske
  • Kúrenie

Dohovoríte sa

  • anglicky

Všeobecné podmienky
Ubytovanie A2-apt w shared pool & balcony next to the beach prijíma špeciálne požiadavky. Môžete ich pridať v ďalšom kroku!

Od 14:00
Informujte ubytovanie vopred o čase svojho príchodu.
Do 10:00
Storno/ platba vopred
Podmienky zrušenia rezervácie a platby vopred sa líšia v závislosti od konkrétnej možnosti. Zadajte termín pobytu a skontrolujte si podmienky zrušenia pri vybranej možnosti.
Ubytovanie s deťmi

Podmienky týkajúce sa ubytovania detí

Ubytovať sa tu môžu deti v akomkoľvek veku.

Na zobrazenie správnych cien a informácií o dostupnosti je potrebné v rámci vyhľadávania zadať počet detí vo vašej skupine a ich vek.

Podmienky týkajúce sa detských postieľok a prísteliek

0 - 2 rokov
Detská postieľka na požiadanie

Prístelky a detské postieľky nie sú v tomto ubytovaní k dispozícii.

Žiadne vekové obmedzenie
Môžu sa tu ubytovať hostia bez ohľadu na vek
Platby cez Booking.com
Platbu za túto rezerváciu od vás v mene ubytovania vyberie Booking.com. Za prípadné doplnkové služby počas pobytu môžete zaplatiť použitím American Express, Visa, Mastercard a Maestro.
Fajčenie nie je povolené.
Oslavy/podujatia nie sú povolené
Domáce zvieratá
Domáce zvieratá sú zakázané.

Dôležité informácie pre hostí tohto ubytovania

V tomto ubytovaní sa nemôžu konať rozlúčky so slobodou a iné podobné oslavy.

Právne informácie

Toto ubytovanie prevádzkuje, licencuje alebo zastupuje spoločnosť. Toto označenie nijako neovplyvňuje dane (vrátane DPH a iných „nepriamych daní“), ale vyžaduje ho spotrebiteľské právo EÚ. Viac informácií o tejto spoločnosti nájdete tu: .

Často kladené otázky o ubytovaní A2-apt w shared pool & balcony next to the beach